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ATREYU - 'Baptize' | Album Review
Baptism not only marks the beginning of a new life in terms of christening children. It can also be a celebration of a person’s renewal....
Tasha Brown
Jun 14, 2021

DAYBREAKER - 'Sanctuary' | EP Review
Sanctuary: (n) refuge or safety from pursuit, persecution, or other danger. What happens when your refuge is no longer safe? When your...
Tasha Brown
Jun 11, 2021

DELILAH BON - 'Delilah Bon' | Album Review
The world as we know it is changing. Statues of long-forgotten influential aristocrats are being torn down by those standing aside the...
Jazmin L'Amy
May 24, 2021

ARACHNES - 'A New Day' | Album Review
The dawn of a new day can hold so much promise. New opportunities, fresh starts, chances to make things right. The same can be said for...
Tasha Brown
May 12, 2021

JUSTIN LARNER - 'Hot and Dangerous' | Album Review
It was The Beatles who said “I get by with a little help from my friends”. In the music world, this comes in the form of collaborations....
Tasha Brown
May 6, 2021

POISON OAK - '1996' | EP Review
There is a lot to be learned about human nature by simply immersing yourself in it. This biggest lesson in life is not about what happens...
Tasha Brown
May 5, 2021

MISSTRESS - 'Resurrected' | Album Review
Music is self-expression and artistry at its finest. Sonically, lyrically, the imagery, there are so many rabbit holes for a band to fall...
Tasha Brown
May 4, 2021

PROPOSAL - 'Kingdom'
To say 2020 was a testing year would be an understatement. Humanity’s mettle was tested in a plethora of ways and not all of them good....
Tasha Brown
Apr 19, 2021

The sound of silence. For some, it’s a chance to decompress from the day’s events and evaluate your own thoughts and reactions. For...
Tasha Brown
Apr 12, 2021

Many a tune has been written, many an album has been dedicated, and many a band have revelled in the ancient tradition of partying. From...
Jazmin L'Amy
Apr 9, 2021

THE AGE OF ORE - 'Trying Times' EP
Last year may have offered a much-needed burst of productivity for many of us given the unexpected gift of free time, and the Lord knows...
Jazmin L'Amy
Mar 31, 2021

IGNITED - 'Steelbound'
1983. Metallica unleashed Kill ‘Em All, Iron Maiden let loose Piece of Mind, Motley Crue set free Shout at the Devil, Dio unveiled Holy...
Jazmin L'Amy
Mar 29, 2021

THE VELVET SUPERSLOTHS - 'The Velvet SuperSloths'
The name The Velvet SuperSloths may conjure some entertaining and amusing imagery within our limitless imaginations, but it does not...
Jazmin L'Amy
Mar 25, 2021

The narrative of manipulative, emotionally abusive, and gaslighting friendships and partners is sadly all too common, with almost anyone...
Jazmin L'Amy
Mar 23, 2021

What the world needs now, apart from love sweet love, is exposure to the fact that not only do bands still exist, but they also still...
Tasha Brown
Mar 16, 2021

CAPTAIN NAYSAYER - 'Captain Naysayer'
The trouble with liking rock bands’ from the 70s, is that a lot of them are no longer around for us to revel in their snug sounds and...
Jazmin L'Amy
Mar 8, 2021

THE PRETTY RECKLESS - 'Death By Rock And Roll'
When blindsided and forced to face death and loss, you have two options: you can choose to let it destroy you from the inside out, or you...
Jazmin L'Amy
Feb 12, 2021

HVALROSS - 'Cold Dark Rain'
‘Never judge a book by it’s cover.’ Whilst this cautionary phrase may be true to books and the common deceit of appearance, the same can...
Jazmin L'Amy
Feb 11, 2021

THE YOUNG HEARTS - 'The Modern State'
In a time where we break the human condition and isolate, we need to know we aren’t alone in feeling the sting of negative emotions. The...
Tasha Brown
Jan 29, 2021

BEYOND EXTINCTION - 'The Fatal Flaws of Humankind'
Essex based 5-piece Beyond Extinction possess the all-encompassing formula to catapult them into the death metal titan territory, and...
Jazmin L'Amy
Jan 29, 2021

OF WOLVES - 'Balance'
“The world around us is such a shitshow and ‘Balance’ is an honest response to all the moronic absurdity that greed and control have...
Jazmin L'Amy
Jan 28, 2021

DIRTY ROSE - 'Rock & Roll Is My Religion'
Unprecedented and uncertain times lying ahead, we're crying out for a dose of guilt-free enjoyment. With the release of debut album 'Rock...
Tasha Brown
Jan 22, 2021

London-based rock band Hunted By Elephants have dropped their intoxicating second album ‘Carry On’. Hunted By Elephants were formed in...
Tasha Brown
Jan 20, 2021

SKAGS - 'Digital Cage of a Cursed Generation' (Album)
Being disillusioned by the current state of the world and the human race has become a somewhat universal feeling. Providing their own...
Tasha Brown
Jan 13, 2021

OLD SELVES - 'Two Minds' (EP)
Barrelling onto the UK metal scene with their ferocious debut EP ‘Two Minds,’ the four horsemen that make up OLD SELVES take no prisoners...
Jazmin L'Amy
Jan 12, 2021

CROSTPATHS - 'Mutated' (EP)
Kent born alt-metal ensemble Crostpaths have unleashed their thunderous EP, ‘Mutated’. Forming in the latter half of 2018, Crostpaths...
Tasha Brown
Jan 6, 2021

BONEYARD - 'Oathbreaker' (Album)
As a vocalist with the name ‘Pamtera,’ it’s hard to imagine an album containing anything other than body lashing heavy metal, and the...
Jazmin L'Amy
Dec 19, 2020

HAWXX - 'Deadlands' (EP)
The London-based doom metal heroines Hawxx, have unshackled the chains that no longer oppress their beast of a debut EP, Deadlands. As a...
Jazmin L'Amy
Nov 27, 2020

Wolverhampton natives Vicious Nature are offering up a cyclone of metal, with ‘VII’ creating a superstorm of thrash, death, and doom....
Jazmin L'Amy
Nov 24, 2020

WARD XVI - 'Metamorphosis' (Album)
Music is a creative way to tell thrilling stories and thought-provoking anecdotes, both non-fiction and fantasy satisfying the need for...
Jazmin L'Amy
Nov 23, 2020

TREMENDOUS - 'Relentless' (Album)
As a band who market themselves as a glam rock outfit, images of statically teased hair, studded and leather clad clothing would spring...
Jazmin L'Amy
Oct 18, 2020

The fact that Corey Taylor fronts two of the most ridiculously gargantuan metal and rock bands of the 21st century is a feat in itself,...
Jazmin L'Amy
Oct 6, 2020

SPAR MARTA - 'Spar Marta' (EP)
You know those Harry Potter jellybeans where you randomly get a really nice tasting one or a bad one? The sound’s emanating from London...
Jazmin L'Amy
Sep 28, 2020

READ OUT LOUD - 'Read Out Loud' (Album)
Time spent in previous rock outfits Demon, Limehouse Lizzy, and Chrome Molly have equipped Tim Read, Jim Davis, Paul Hume, Josh Williams,...
Jazmin L'Amy
Aug 14, 2020

Y!KES - 'Mass!ve' EP
Birmingham based quartet Y!kes describe themselves as ‘anti-pop noise’ throughout their social media presence, and their upcoming 5 track...
Jazmin L'Amy
Jul 27, 2020

LIONHEART - 'The Reality of Miracles'
The upcoming Lionheart record ‘The Reality of Miracles,’ is an audible time machine into the 80s that emanates the cherished sound...
Jazmin L'Amy
Jul 14, 2020

LAMB OF GOD - 'Lamb of God'
The 10th and self-titled album from Lamb of God is a statement in itself, even before the touch of the first heavy metallic notes. This...
Jazmin L'Amy
Jul 6, 2020

DEAD POSEY - 'Malfunction' EP
The spooky wedded duo that make up Dead Posey return with their second EP ‘Malfunction.’ It encompasses the superstitious content from...
Jazmin L'Amy
Jun 23, 2020

ASKING ALEXANDRIA - 'Like A House On Fire'
The years that have passed since ‘Stand Up And Scream’ have seen the guys in Asking Alexandria turn from raucous, hell-raising animals...
Jazmin L'Amy
May 15, 2020

DAXX & ROXANE - 'Daxx & Roxane'
The new self-titled album from Daxx & Roxane is the answer to everything today’s rock music has been missing so far, incorporating the...
Jazmin L'Amy
May 1, 2020

The development of In This Moment’s sound is a constantly progressing beast, having explored every subgenre of metal from classic rock,...
Jazmin L'Amy
Mar 27, 2020

OZZY OSBOURNE - 'Ordinary Man'
After the countless unfortunate health scares that Ozzy Osbourne has faced in recent times, his 12th studio album ‘Ordinary Man’ is a...
Jazmin L'Amy
Feb 26, 2020

DIRTY ROSE - 'Born To Break My Heart'
Sick of hearing sappy, cringey ballads about love? Then this Valentine’s Day, Guilford rockers Dirty Rose have a song for you to fall in...
Jazmin L'Amy
Feb 14, 2020

HOT JUICE - 'This Is What You Want'
Making a quick ascent through Jersey’s music scene by profusely gigging the local pubs and events, indie rock band Hot Juice have dropped...
Jazmin L'Amy
Feb 13, 2020

AIRBOURNE - 'Boneshaker'
If you haven’t heard the AC/DC influence in Australian rockers Airbourne’s previous albums, then you need to get your ears checked. If...
Jazmin L'Amy
Oct 27, 2019

ALTER BRIDGE - 'Walk the Sky'
Returning with their 6th studio album, Alter Bridge’s recent release of ‘Walk the Sky’ is a journey of juxtaposing menacing riffs from...
Jazmin L'Amy
Oct 20, 2019

STEEL PANTHER - 'Heavy Metal Rules'
A little bit of Steel Panther in your music playlist is always successful in brightening up your day and bringing a smile to your face....
Jazmin L'Amy
Sep 29, 2019

CROBOT - 'Motherbrain'
If Crobot’s first three albums were labelled as psychedelic stoner rock and roll, then their most recent release of Motherbrain has seen...
Jazmin L'Amy
Sep 2, 2019

NEW YEARS DAY - 'Unbreakable'
Hailing from sunny California, Halloween metalheads New Years Day have dropped their eclectic fourth studio album, ‘Unbreakable.’ Like...
Jazmin L'Amy
Apr 27, 2019

Taylor Momsen is far from the innocent, naive, catholic school girl she was brought up to be. Capturing the hearts of the worldwide...
Jazmin L'Amy
Oct 21, 2016
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