"Sometimes I think I need a little something to ease my mind,” is a mutual feeling I’m sure the majority of the population has felt after the shitshow of 2020, as the lack of social interaction and total absence of physical affection has lead to the deprivation of a collective reason to get out of bed in the morning. An emotional rollercoaster that’s had an effect across the globe, Canadian solo artist Rob Frank used his talents as a multi-instrumentalist to channel his sorrow into a creative outlet, and the result is his latest single ‘Some Days.’
Punky chords channel a perky and bright energy that counteract the songs sombre theme, as Frank’s clean vocals glisten with a whiff of grungy moodiness to them. An optimistic jauntiness in the chorus brings about the prospect of better times ahead, but the lyrics “little tricks and things that you can find, just to make the days go by” cause a Rolodex of PTSD inducing scenes of an endless lockdown akin to Groundhog Day.
Giving the track substance amidst the short, snappy and succinct vocals and musicality, is a guitar solo that pulls from a peacocking range of skill, the clean shredding going a long way in broadening the tracks texture.
‘Some Days’ is the first song off of Rob Frank’s aptly titled ‘Isolation’ EP, which you can listen to via Spotify below, and to stay up to date with Frank’s evolution click here.
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